
I bought my first deck of tarot cards yesterday, 9/11/11. Visited the store Alchemy Arts for the first time. I bought the Cosmic Tribe Tarot. When I got home, found out there is quite a bit of nudity and oddities in this deck, which was not displayed on the box. At first I was shocked,uncomfortable, and slightly embarrassed of my ignorance of tarot. I sifted through the cards and decided that I it was fine and I did not make a bad choice. There must be a reason why I choose these ones. I love the absurdity of life and these cards capture just that along with natures mysticism.

Starting last night, I will be drawing one card before bed to meditate on before entering the astral realm. The plan is to record the dreams, whether it be a story, information, or total nonsense. Through out the following day I will continue to meditate on the card drawn from the night before, as to process the astral and incorporate, explore, and learn through out the day.


Card: 2 Priestess (Major Arcana)

-Knowingness, wisdom, mystic vision;Psychic confidence level;Power and independence to trust our intuitive natures

Dream: My dreams were very scattered and all over the place. I do remember a dark, soft, fox-like dog. He appeared aggressive but once he got close to me, became calm. At one point he jumped at me, same at the wolf/monster/beast from the “Neverending Story,” messenger for the ‘nothingness.’ Which leads me to interpret this to be my current real life fear. It scared me initially, but I looked him right in the eyes. There seemed to be an invisible barrier that didn’t let him touch or get through to me.

In another part of the dream I was having a conversation with a Priestess and she said to me, “Death is to life as reality is to worth.” Then I woke up.

I’ve been contemplating this last thought.

Death: (n) The end of life; The passing or destruction of something in animate; The permanent termination of biological functions that sustain a living organism.

Life: (n) A particular type or aspect of people’s existence; vitality, vigor, energy; The condition that distinguishes animals and plants from inorganic matter, including the capacity for growth, reproduction, functional activity, and continual change preceding death.

Reality: (n) The state of things as they actually exist, rather than as they may appear or might be imagined;Something is neither derivative nor dependent but exists necessarily

Worth: (n) The quality that renders something desirable, useful or valuable;quality that commands esteem or respect;*the utmost to ones powers or ability

Death is a part of life. Death is inevitable and can’t be argued. It is fact, it is reality. Although death happens, life continues.

Reality is contingent on where and what we place worth on in life. With out worth there is no reality. With out life there is no death.

What is life worth?

To condense it all into one sentence I came up with this:

Reality is constructed by the passing of change to exist in our own powers and abilities.

I feel an equation coming on.


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