Sometimes the small pricks hurt the most

sometimes the small pricks hurt the most. they get in without even realizing and before you do they disappear leaving an invisible sting that lingers. blindsided. you didn't see it coming. the prick was so small but yet caused so much pain.

you move on thinking the prick is gone, the damage is done. the healing begins. only to find a little while later remnants of the tiny prick surface forcing you to look at how you failed to keep this prick from affecting your life. the removal process continues.

The sting morphs into numbness. numbness into sadness. sadness into fear. fear into anger. anger into indifference. indifference into acceptance. acceptance into neutrality. neutrality into clarity. clarity into movement. movement into magic.

once you get to magic, you know that prick along with all the other pricks out there won't get to you ever again.

after all, he was just a small prick...


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