Music Reviews for the week of 7/13/09

Josh One - Tolerance/Boomnote

Josh One on his own is usually categorized as electronic. He mixes electronics,R&B,funk,soul,jazz,house,and hip hop.This album has the same feel as his previous album Narrow Path. Over all the album sounds like lounge music mixed with hip-hop and R&B, and something that might be heard on the CSI shows. Not all songs have vocals such as track 1 and track 12.

*Vagina Panther - Self-titled/METIVE

Garage,heavy, punk, fem-rock, and yes on the cover it is what you think it is. I was not expecting a whole lot with this album, and maybe that's why I love it, but really it is good. The guitars are laid on thick.This album makes me want to walk around in my underwear, embrace being a woman, and ******* rock out!

Recommended: fcc can't really understand one part)

Summer Cats - Songs For Tuesdays/Slumberland

Up-beat,warm,summer, music, with some cheesy vocals that almost ruin the album (I should not be reviewing this album) I would really like this album if there were different vocals or none at all. Summer Cats are two girls and three boys from Melbourne, Australia. The female vocals are nice, but the male vocals are too whiny for my taste. Take this review with a grain of salt if you like The Bicycles, and All Girl Summer Fun Band, because I don't care for either.

RIYL:All Girl Summer Fun Band, The Bicycles

Trevor Giuliani - Subcontrario (In Stereo)/Dovecote

Giuliani's style incorporates elements of pop and folk that blend well for easy listening. He uses a lot of acoustic and electronic instruments. The album is mellow but dramatic and alive, and well composed. He moved from New York to Portland, Oregon and I guess is gardening now.



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