casual convo with the bro
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- Ryn McPhersonhey how was your bday?
- Ian Lizzadro McPhersonit was okay, I didn't do anything for know me and my birthday
- Ryn McPhersonit's ok to treat yourself. it's nice to do something like eat a good meal or buy something you've been wanting. shit mom would want you to celebrate a little. at least show the woman who brought you into this world some respect by honoring yourself on your birthday
- Ian Lizzadro McPhersonyeah, its really because she made such a big deal of it is why I don't really like itI did buy myself a beer to celebrate
- Ryn McPhersoni'm not saying you have to go all out. but it is a day worth commemorating and sharing it with others. it doesn't have to be lonely, depressing, and deprecating. maybe you should look at the real reason why you go into so much resistance with your birthday. might be time to deal with your pain with mom instead of ignoring it. it will eat away at you. it's ok to be happy and enjoy life and feel good about yourself. that's what we are put here on this earth to do.
- Ian Lizzadro McPhersonyeah i know and I actually have been starting to open myself up to myself. I don't really have anyone here to share it with so there is that, and its not that I am depressed about it or angry either, quite the opposite, I was happy and content on my birthday.and I am generally very happy to the point to where it is contagious with people I interact with.I find most of my anger and frustration comes from me watching the world around meI see so many issues with our society and how it's structured and how resistive everyone is to change, a change that is deeply neededits okay, in time all will become more clear and I do have lots of faith in the future generationsI'm also frustrated with school and work but who isn't right
- Ryn McPhersondo you think you might be focusing on societal issues as a way to distract you from yourself? sure there's a lot going on outside of us, but ultimately we can't change the world unless we change ourselves. if you ever want to talk about it (mom) i am here. it's healthy to talk about her and her death. as we get older we process her death in different ways and how it affects us. not something to dwell on but i know as i get older i realize how much it impacted me and continues to do so. most of the time i forget mom died and that i grew up without her until someone asks me a question or i'm in some workshop that focuses on the mother and safety/survival. even though our birth mother is gone, we still have mother earth who is divine above all mothers. it's weird reflecting back on our childhood. we were brought into this world by a creative, basically prodigal talent, crazy, progressive, eccentric woman then to be raised by a small town, orderly, strict, efficient, and grounding woman. Both women have powerful female energy in very different ways and are almost the extremes of each other. I feel really lucky to have been exposed to both. It's really amazing.
- Ian Lizzadro McPhersonI fully agree with you, and honestly I wouldn't change a thing (not that I don't wish mom was still with us) but I would be a completely different person if that was the case. Its not that I am trying to distract myself, I am more concerned with the irreversible environmental damage we are causing to mother earth and in turn our future selves. To me, I currently see a slow motion train wreck that can be avoided if people wake up and start working together, but instead it seems we are just putting more coal in to the engine to make it go faster, maybe that is what we need. I do dream of a world drastically different than what we exist in, but that would require quite a drastic happening to prompt that change.
- Ian Lizzadro McPhersonThe sad thing is majority of people have no real concept of what is going on right now and how destructive our consumer society really is to our personal well being and to the well being of the environment.
- Ryn McPhersoni get really pissed off about western medicine and the health care industry and lack of preventative care. so i feel ya on the train wreck consumerism in our society
- Ian Lizzadro McPhersonits in all aspects of our lives, health care, energy, food, shelters, clothing...
- Ryn McPhersonit's all coming to head. our system can't sustain it for much longer. there will be a collapse. i wish we could start from scratch. i know there is button that someone just has to push. it's there.
- Ian Lizzadro McPhersonI think the biggest disease of our day is the disease of money, where the symptoms are greed, isolation, and a loss of humanity. I want to be the one who pushes that button. I have thought of ways to trigger it but it maybe expensive and could cost the lives of many, which I do not want to do
- Ian Lizzadro McPhersonI feel like others, around our age, are starting to feel the same as you and I.
- Ryn McPhersonit's our generation that's going to do it. not the ones after us or the ones before us. it's us
- Ian Lizzadro McPhersonI always have my fingers crossed for a major solar blast that will knock out our power grid (if the entire country/world goes down at the same time there will be no coming back from that). I also wish that climate change would happen has to be us, if the temperature rises too much, every surface dwelling organism will die, its not maybe or could its will. We (all living things) have a maximum temperature we can exist in. Our biggest problem today is a lack of information amongst the masses.the trick is finding the right button to push to make people not so resistive to change. I think that button honestly in today's world is money.Sadly, most of the solar systems I help sell are sold because of money then the environment (if the homeowner even considers it at all)
- Ryn McPhersonmoney is just a tool. it doesn't have the power. i don't think money needs to go away. if it isn't money people will find another resource/material/imaginary currency to place value on. money is actually quite neutral.
- Ian Lizzadro McPhersonmmm, I don't know. People who have lots of money are lots of greedy and in human due to the isolation and class separation it creates. I agree it does need to stick around but like MacBeth, power (i.e. money) corrupts even the purest of souls
- Ryn McPhersoni don't blame money. i blame what our culture places value on. money is just a piece of paper. it's not the money that people want, it's what they can do with it. people believe that money offers freedom. we function off of a system that has people falsely believing they need money in order have freedom. we don't need money, we just need people and skills. money is the neutral physical form in which these transactions happen
- Ian Lizzadro McPhersonI agree with your points, but the question is how do we open the eyes of people?
- Ryn McPhersonmoney objectively quantifies and qualifies what people place value on. people's values have been sculpted by media, religion, mainly media, and lack of alternative news sources or even an awareness of the macro worldthe mediamovies,, music. but you can't be annoying and all propaganda and political about it. it has be presented in a non-threatening non-judgmental way.
- Ian Lizzadro McPhersonall popular forms of media are controlled by the money holders unfortunately, luckily we have youtube, but secretly i feel that is probably controlled too. Main stream movies fall into that controlled category as well, and books are becoming a mystery. I love art and music and you are right about being annoying. There have been numerous short films that try to educate people and prompt them to change, however there is an internal lacking within most people
- Ian Lizzadro McPhersonthe lacking I am speaking of is self motivation, because that is truly the only way people will contribute to a better future
- Ryn McPhersonallow people to have their feelings and opinions and not hate them for it. make taking steps towards this new world accessible to people without completely threatening their existence and what they have been doing and how they have been living. provide a neutral space for people to discuss with out attacking
- Ian Lizzadro McPhersonhow to cultivate that motivation is unique within each person, which makes the issues more complex, but like all good things, simple is better.
- Ryn McPhersoni'm really annoyed with the feminist movement right now. i don't like the direction it's heading in and that's an example of how not to do things
- Ian Lizzadro McPhersonwhy is that, the most powerful enemy to a movement is someone in support of it but doesn't understand why and then they try to get people into it but do more damage.
- Ryn McPhersonlemmings
- Ryn McPhersoni'm disturbed that we are pushing to pump women and girls with birth control verses encouraging women to become more aware of their own bodies and natural cycles along with supporting,encouraging,and educating men in what they can do for birth control. why do the women have to take soul responsibility and punishment for something that comes out of a man? also i think we need to be conducting research on other more important things. someday i will have my own research institution
- Ian Lizzadro McPhersonyeah me too, except it's more focused on energy production, minimization, and transportation
- Ryn McPhersonalso want to sponsor deep sea expeditions. i'm so fascinated with the depths of the ocean and finding a magical secret universe, along with also discovering prehistoric life that still exists.
- Ryn McPhersongood talk. love you and let's catch up again soon
- Ian Lizzadro McPhersonlove you too, and i agree
wow this is an awesome conversation. Thanks for sharing it