When a guy tells you...
When a guy tells you that he loves you in less than 72 hours of being in a "relationship," (RED FLAG) back away slowly then run... he really means he doesn't want to be "alone" and is actually more in love with the delusional version of his false projection of you. He does not love YOU. These guys are what we call the "sensitive ones" and proceed with much much much caution. They lie to themselves on a daily basis which means they lie to you regularly. These guys have major emotional issues and refuse to face themselves and have accountability for their actions, and are slightly narcissistic. He does not have the cojones to end the relationship after he somehow convinced you to believe that he really really did love you. These guys are charming. They cry and you feel sorry for them. These guys are not men and function at the emotional level of a 14 year old boy. They would rather lie to you and to themselves all to avoid you getting upset verses them having the dignity and decency to be a real honest man. This article "Why Men Aren't Honest" is worth a read over.
When a guy tells you within the first two weeks of dating that he believes you are his soul mate and wants to have babies with you when you are ready and then for some reason a week later he starts acting distantly different... he got what he wanted (sex) and no longer feels the need to make an effort.
When a guy tells you that he believes the woman comes first and fully supporting her, but then gets pissed when you say no after he asks you to give him head when you have a splitting migraine, cannot breath through your nose due to a bacterial infection from sleeping in his friend's trailer that had major asbestos, and your eyes are swollen shut do to the non-stop watering, and you have spider bites on your legs and probably suffering from some mild poisoning... he does not give a FUCK about you as a woman or even a person for that matter.
When a guy tells you sweet things but does not look at you while he says them and you notice that his body language says something different and you are wondering about his sincerity...he is telling you what he thinks you want to hear and trying to distract you from discovering the truth: he does not want to be with you but again is not mature enough to address it and continues staying in the relationship so he can get a little more (sex) out of it.
When a guy tells you he isn't cheating in a conversation where you weren't discussing or accusing him of cheating...he either is cheating, has cheated, or intends to.
When a guy tells you to call him after you are done with work so the two of you can hang out and he ignores your calls and doesn't get back to you for a couple days...he never wanted to hang out with you.
When a guy tells you to leave after you came over thinking the two you would hang out as friends (you still had feelings for him, and he knew this) and again he somehow says sweet things and convinces you to have sex with him and isn't bothered that it's 2am...he used you and doesn't want to be your friend and doesn't care if you make it home safe knowing that you live in a criminally active part of town.
When a guy tells you he thinks he is a good person and isn't going to feel bad about how he has treated you...he is trying really hard to convince himself of this and knows that he racked up some gnarly gnarly karma points and doesn't know how to come to terms with that. He is terrified, not of you, but of other greater powers.
There is more where that came from and there is no need for redundancy.
Ladies, ladies, ladies. I have made these mistakes so you don't have to. I hope you have the self respect to avoid these situations and if you find yourself in one, you know you have the power to walk away and take dignity with you.
These guys are the wounded birds. A wing may be damaged and before it's healed he insists on flying because he can't bare the thought of dealing with the pain and giving himself time to heal his wound. He never gets too far because he repeats the same pattern hoping for different results. Sure, you can keep trying to bandage the wing in hopes that some day your support, devotion and love will help him fly again, but in truth your bandaging only helps him hide the wound so he doesn't have to look at it or deal with it. The damaged wing isn't able to air out, breath, and gain strength. It becomes suffocated and leads to stunted growth and infection. As long as you agree to keep bandaging the wing, he will use you and take you down with him. He is the only one who can heal his wounded wing if he allows the healing process to happen. He needs courage to face his own demise, himself.
There are wonderful MEN out there. There is a difference between providing support and encouragement for a man verses the guy putting you in position to help make him be something he isn't ready and may never be ready to become.
Why try to make a man when you can get one already made
When a guy tells you within the first two weeks of dating that he believes you are his soul mate and wants to have babies with you when you are ready and then for some reason a week later he starts acting distantly different... he got what he wanted (sex) and no longer feels the need to make an effort.
When a guy tells you that he believes the woman comes first and fully supporting her, but then gets pissed when you say no after he asks you to give him head when you have a splitting migraine, cannot breath through your nose due to a bacterial infection from sleeping in his friend's trailer that had major asbestos, and your eyes are swollen shut do to the non-stop watering, and you have spider bites on your legs and probably suffering from some mild poisoning... he does not give a FUCK about you as a woman or even a person for that matter.
When a guy tells you sweet things but does not look at you while he says them and you notice that his body language says something different and you are wondering about his sincerity...he is telling you what he thinks you want to hear and trying to distract you from discovering the truth: he does not want to be with you but again is not mature enough to address it and continues staying in the relationship so he can get a little more (sex) out of it.
When a guy tells you he isn't cheating in a conversation where you weren't discussing or accusing him of cheating...he either is cheating, has cheated, or intends to.
When a guy tells you to call him after you are done with work so the two of you can hang out and he ignores your calls and doesn't get back to you for a couple days...he never wanted to hang out with you.
When a guy tells you to leave after you came over thinking the two you would hang out as friends (you still had feelings for him, and he knew this) and again he somehow says sweet things and convinces you to have sex with him and isn't bothered that it's 2am...he used you and doesn't want to be your friend and doesn't care if you make it home safe knowing that you live in a criminally active part of town.
When a guy tells you he thinks he is a good person and isn't going to feel bad about how he has treated you...he is trying really hard to convince himself of this and knows that he racked up some gnarly gnarly karma points and doesn't know how to come to terms with that. He is terrified, not of you, but of other greater powers.
There is more where that came from and there is no need for redundancy.
Ladies, ladies, ladies. I have made these mistakes so you don't have to. I hope you have the self respect to avoid these situations and if you find yourself in one, you know you have the power to walk away and take dignity with you.
There are wonderful MEN out there. There is a difference between providing support and encouragement for a man verses the guy putting you in position to help make him be something he isn't ready and may never be ready to become.
Why try to make a man when you can get one already made
YES! This is so right on! Thanks for taking the time to write this and help guide others.