To Catch Ya Up
A few weeks ago I enrolled in a Kundalini Teacher Training program. Kundalini yoga fell into my lap when I arrived in Austin and got me through the rough beginning. The universe introduced me to a group of fascinating people and submersed myself in the world of healing. Everyone seemed to be a massage therapist, rake healer (I'm not a fan), or involved in other forms of healing work. I found my techniques to be different and efficient. It was fun for a while, but I craved diversity and had strayed from my true intention of moving to make a puppet rap music video. Graduating from InVision, a school for psychics, I walked away with two very important tools: neutrality, and amusement. Then it hit me, I totally lost my amusement. Somewhere along the way I lost myself. I was so happy to have people to spend time with, I pushed my dreams, and amusement aside and down played my true self. I immersed myself in yoga and got myself back into energy work. I gave a couple energy healings and readings here and there, but was not content.
One day I arrived at the my new area of living to find a package from my dear friend Kennyetta back in Chicago.
What could this be? After tearing off the seal, I placed my hand inside and pulled out a beautiful coloring book (I like to get my coloring on)! The packaging still had an odd shape which meant there had to be something else. I peeked inside and to my delight, there resting in the dark cardboard crevice slept a cylindrical fellow with an aura exuding sunset yellows and blood red oranges.
(This is Kent. His father is Mexican and mother Chinese. Summers were spent in Cambodia eating soft moss, and Jewish holidays in Cuba. He has never blown a whistle or been able to pick up one pea using only a fork, and dreams of becoming a professional yo-yoer. To support his dream he competes in Chinese Checker tournaments.)
Kent's arrival snapped me out of the funk and brought me back to reality. My muse came back! With this new energy and focus I knew I must make this music video. Getting excited about the thrift and dollar stores I would hit up this weekend for props, I realized I had a required Kundalini retreat for my training certification program this weekend. How can I walk away from this now? After some meditation I sided with my creative muse and dropped out of the program entirely an hour before I had to leave. At first I felt bad, but not for me, more because I felt the teachers disappointment of not having me there, but that's not my energy so it is what it is. This whole week I've been feeling sluggish and unmotivated, even though I was doing yoga everyday. I got through the week of terrible allergies and lethargy by going to matinee movies and gulping down coke slushies. When I made the decision to drop out the program I felt my vitality flush back into my system. It's on!!!!
Halloween costume note: Two weeks ago I chopped my hair off. It felt right at the time, but now I look somewhat like a skater boy with shoulder length hair. Due to this hair choppage, I've decided to be Mitch Kramer from Dazed and Confused for Halloween.
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