
Showing posts from April, 2011

Cat Spot on Vaginal Flatulence

While living in Austin, Texas, I explored different yogas . I was familiar mostly with Kundalini and Hatha . I wanted something different from the two and saw that an Ashtanga class at the time I desired. Before deciding to attend the class I never heard of it before. I read the little blerp about the class and didn't do any research before attending. The blerp mentioned that the class was for students who have practiced yoga for a while and are familiar with the primary poses. I figured I could get by. I arrived to class early and set my mat down, laid in savasana , waiting for others to come. A man entered and asked me which way we were setting up the mats today. I looked around and noticed three other people lined their mats perpendicular to the wall, and a few on the other side of the room had their mats facing the people on the opposing wall. Mine faced the front of the room. I quickly got up, smiled, answered in a light chuckle, and moved my mat, mildly mortified. The ...